Grill Mesh - Radiator Protection
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One thing I never liked about the famous seven-slot grills on the Wranglers was the big openings which leave the radiator vulnerable to insects and small rocks. We have travelled through areas with a big locust problem and those huge bugs can very well damage the radiator.
There are numberous companies that offer a mesh to build in but I decided to build one myself - not only because I think that their prices are somewhat stiff...
So I started by removing the stock grill.
I purchased a mesh I liked best. Luckily the one I bought was exactly the right width,so I only had to cut it on the short side. I placed the mesh over the radiator and made sure it would cover the area which is left open by the seven slots.
I used a cardboard to hold the mesh in place and started to bend the edge over the plastic lip of the opening frame. The bent mesh followed the contours of the vehicle.
After marking the mesh on the other end I removed it to make an easier cut. I used sheet metal scissors to cut it to the right length.
I adjusted the mesh to follow the contours on this side as well and made sure that the mesh was 'streched' properly. This way it wouldn't have the slack to move around and stay in place. Four short screws on each end are used to attach the mesh to the plastic lipps.
The stock grill was put back over the newly installed mesh and locked in place.
And that's the reason why that mesh is there!